bra gjort

Varför måste du göra en dålig dag värre?!
Vi båda visste att den skulle suga, men va fan vi kan ju ändå göra det bästa av den, men nej. Å du borde få stryk (:P) AAH  hata


I need it
I want it
I gotta have have it


för lite
för mycket


Fredag oj vad jag längtar, mycket bra händer :D
Det blir helg
Sista dagen på jobbet
Träffa Jennie i Borås
Da'n före da'n före da'n före doppareda'n (undra om det blev rätt :P)

Au pair intervju :D

Bra dag helt enkelt :):)

Step up

I can't ask again
This isn't gonna work
You have to understand I can't handle another no
You need to step up
I know it's hard
I've been there but you have to fight for what you want

Bestäm er

Jag orkar inte med er längre, är det de här ni försöker nå eller är det bara en "bonus" på vägen. You know that you are hurting me,so just decied what you want and if you wanna let me go, then let me go. Can't handle this inbetween. Of course I hope that you want me to stay but please if that's what you want let it show


I don't remember the last time I felt this happy
This was the perfect evening

ask yourself

Did you ever ask yourself why?
If you hadn't said anything i the first place, we wouldn't be here, everything would be different. Think about the last couple of moths and ask yourself if it wouldn't be better to be saying what if? It wouldn't be that different for me, because I'm not like you, and you know that, so you are the only one that been losing. I don't know if I still would have had him, but I'm glad I don't so lets just put this to an end. You obviously couldn't care less and I say the sooner the better, in this situation.


It's obviously easy for you to lie
to play games
Blindly I believed you
and your lies
Thought you were something
but oh I were wrong
You just lie better than most people
now I see that


It's getting easier everyday
Can't believe that I believed you
Seemed honest and true
but no, I was so wrong
We can still get along
Just don't think that you can fool me again.


Why can't I just understand?
Why can't I just realize?
Please make me see
Please make me stop
Don't let me fall
Don't let me go
I should stop being so foolish

Sluta stressa!

Sluta stressa upp er för allt hela tiden, ni kommer bara må sämre av det, och saker och ting gpr inte fortare eller bättre. Ta ett djupt andetag och stressa ner!

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